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Lucid dream - out of body experience

Training and Workshop
Learn to dream clearly - theory and practice

It is said that around half of all people will have a lucid dream in their life.


A dream in which you realize that you are dreaming. A dream where you actively influence the plot.



You can hear many stories about the topic of lucid dream:



  • Of athletes who improve in dreams

  • of training skills

  • of making contact with personalities

  • from learning during the dream

  • of realizing deepest wishes

  • open your own gate of the subconscious

  • use it to fight addictions

  • Gaining out-of-body experience

  • Go on a trip without leaving the place


During this time we will discuss the topic in detail and actively train ourselves.



We learn from each other in groups and individual discussions. There will be team and individual work. Meditations and practical exercises.


We work with the help of known and proven methods, which favor a positive result.



The sociable part is not neglected either. Eating and living together is also part of it.






During training we fast so that our body is detoxified and the chance of a lucid dream increases.

A clear mind and body favors the lucid dream.

There are fresh fruit and vegetables 3 times a day. Drinks are water, detox tea, and soup.


We eat healthy as possible and completely eliminate tobacco.


Meeting point: Zurich train station

1495.-- CHF

3 T

In this seminar, techniques and ideas are trained which promote lucid dreaming and astral travel.


They are selected, proven methods that have been scientifically researched. There is no guarantee that it will work - but with the right training the chance increases enormously.



The goal is to recognize yourself and your own dreams and to explore, improve and learn from them and thus lead a more fulfilling life.


The aim is to create a new world in which you can get incredible experiences.


Do not forget:
We are not extras in our life, we are leading actors!

Avoid distractions:

Cell phones or the like are taboo at this time and can only be used in emergencies or as an aid. We want to concentrate totally on the one thing that is important to us. We give it our full energy and attention.


No prior knowledge required


Motivation and your own strong will

Interested in the method

Sleep rhythm: regular sleep is part of the preparation

possibly dream diary - start writing it down 2 weeks in advance

Paper and pens for taking notes

Mobile phone - there are apps and downloads that help with training.


Get ahead in life - with targeted dreaming!

Appointments can be requested or
be looked up in the calendar
For companies, groups and clubs, the event can be held at any location.


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