Remote Viewing - Spy + Agent - Training
See the world with different eyes
Meeting point: possible anywhere in Switzerland
Learning remote viewing - theory and practice
Remote viewing
Spy + agent training
Learning to perceive things that cannot be grasped with normal senses.
Invented by the Russians in the 1980s, further developed by the Americans for the FBI, the CIA and the NSA.
In the spy training you will get the tools for almost unsolvable tasks. Perfect for the search for ideas, competitive analysis, decision support and personal advancement.
Remote viewing stands for remote viewing. It is a technique with which one can reach places and situations independently of time and space. A method which is used to solve crimes and to espionage the opponent.
In the training the basics of the history, method and possibilities are imparted.
A test can be tried by anyone with no prior knowledge - the results are amazing and can turn your own view of the world upside down.
395.-- CHF
1 T
In this seminar, techniques and ideas are trained which favor remote viewing.
They are selected, proven methods that have been scientifically researched. There is no guarantee that it will work, but the instructions and training help enormously.
The goal is to recognize yourself and your perception, to explore, improve and learn from it and thus lead a more fulfilling life.
It is researched how the left and right hemispheres of the brain can be optimally used.
The aim is to create a new world in which you can get incredible experiences.
During this time we will discuss the topic in detail and actively train ourselves.
We learn from each other in groups and individual discussions. There will be team and individual work. Meditations and practical exercises.
We work with the help of known and proven methods, which favor a positive result.
Do not forget:
We are not extras in our life, we are leading actors!
There is no shame in accepting help for a break. Then you do it too!
Avoid distractions:
Cell phones or the like are taboo at this time and can only be used in emergencies or as an aid. We want to concentrate totally on the one thing that is important to us. We give it our full energy and attention.
From the meeting point we start with the workshop.
The implementation can, for. Sometimes also take place individually via Skype or in person. Or as a group.
For companies, groups and clubs, the event can be held at any location.
During the training we fast so that our body is detoxified and the chance of pure awareness increases.
A clear mind and body facilitate correct perception.
There are fresh fruit and vegetables 3 times a day. Drinks are water, detox tea, and soup.
We eat as healthily as possible and completely avoid luxury foods.
No prior knowledge required
Motivation and your own strong will
Interested in the method
Paper (without lines) and pens for notes
Mobile phone - there may be apps and downloads that help with training.